Lyon OBELISK Quadpod
Lyon Equipment Ltd
Stand: 5/F172
It incorporates a wealth of features that make it ideal for the varied and challenging situations teams have to operate in.
- Stainless steel and aluminium alloy construction combines strength with lightness
- Adjustable width cross-head to allow wider loads to pass through the frame
- Multi position main anchor point with option for a second anchor point to be fitted if required
- Tool-less locking of leg sections using captive ‘Push pins’
- Swivel feet giving a rapid change between load spreading surface and stainless steel spike.
- Dedicated guying points for additional security
- Max height under swivel anchor point: 2200mm
- Max width with long cross head: 400mm
- Weight Inc. all accessories: 22Kg
- EN795:2012, PD CEN/TS 16415:2013
Supplied With:
- Two pairs of legs
- 0.5m top beam
- 1 x carriage for top beam
- 4 x straps