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Katheryn Basso

Katheryn Basso

Owner & Co-Founder, KADRi Clothing
Katheryn Basso is a United States Marine Corps veteran, and owner and co-founder of KADRI Clothing, an apparel company whose core mission is to support the trailblazing women in the adventure-tactical communities. Katheryn's background and interests provide a unique perspective into the needs of her customers, ensuring each product has proper fit, practical function, and durable design. During her time in the Marine Corps, Katheryn served as a Public Affairs Officer and Foreign Area Officer, specialising in East Asia culture and strategic policy. Her diverse skillset combined communication, civil affairs, and foreign relations with tactical fieldcraft. Proficient at navigating the complex civil-military terrain of foreign policy, she has advised and advocated for military and civilian leaders from multiple partner nations. While running KADRI Clothing, Katheryn stays active in tactical training. She is an instructor at Team Torn, a tactical and mobility training company based in Nevada. She trains and prepares civilians and government personnel in firearms instruction, conflict avoidance and personal security strategies. Katheryn holds a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Virginia, and a Master of Arts in Security Studies from the Naval Postgraduate School. She is a graduate of Harvard Negotiation Institute and the Defense Language Institute Basic Korean Course. Additionally, Katheryn sits on the board of Torn Warriors, a non-profit organisation dedicated to empowering and enabling injured military service members through adaptive extreme sports.