Vera DeGlas
R & D Engineer,
Vera De Glas has a Masters in Textiles Engineering, and Postgraduate in Occupational Safety and Health Management; she is an R&D engineer at SIOEN NV, who manufacture and design personal protective clothing, for specialists’ technologists’, to include, innovation, safety, and durability in niche industry workwear. Vera is responsible for research, innovation and acquiring new fabrics, and concepts of PPE for users to fit with compliance and minimize risk within framework regulation. She sits on the Belgian national mirror committee for PPE standardization and is an active NBN expert in several European CEN TC working groups on PPE standardisation, as well as the international ISO TC working groups on PPE standardization, specifically for firefighters: ISO/TC94 SC14- WG1 , WG2, WG3, WG4 and WG5.
19-Sep-2024Firefighter PPE Stage | Hall 5A spotlight on how to reduce contamination through effective base layers
19-Sep-2024Firefighter PPE Stage | Hall 5Protection vs comfort: getting the balance right for firefighter PPE